Irina Bieberach Photography,Photographer,Paris,Île-de-France
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Smash the Cake Outdoors in Paris

The best way to celebrate your baby's first year ! 

With this outdoor photoshoot for the whole family, you can have your mini celebration with enough space and while enjoying the weather and you’ll ensure to have the best memories of your child’s first birthday.


This 100% personalised photoshoot will be carried out using lifestyle photography. We can organise a Smash the Cake photo session for the first or second year of the baby's birthday.


Lifestyle sessions in natural light in Paris, France.


Highlights of the photo session:

- Family photos 

- Photos of baby alone before the cake arrives

- Photos of baby with the cake during smash time


I will provide the following for your Smash the Cake photoshoot:

  • Cake display/support,

  • Cake topper with number or other

  • Picnic tablecloth for the session

  • Helium balloons (7)

  • Small chair

  • Letter board

  • Outfit for the baby (if necessary)

*Cake is provided by the customer

Three packages are available to choose from. All photographic packages include digital files and prints.

Petite chaise, ballons roses et tableau dans un piquenique devant la Tour Eiffel


Es simplemente genial. Se ha convertido en la fotógrafa de la familia para inmortalizar momentos especiales (la boda de mi hermano, 40 cumpleaños, cumpleaños de mis hijas y sobrinos, o simplemente un "me apetece tener fotos hermosas".
Es una chica muy dulce que además ayuda a que los más pequeños salgan bien en las fotos!
Habla español, francés e inglés lo cual lo hace más cómodo

Sylvia Vivanco

Irina est une excellente photographe. Lors de la séance, elle a su nous mettre à l'aise et a eu plein de bonnes idées. Nous avons passé un agréable moment et les photos sont très belles. Merci, Irina !

Yarín Medina

Irina Bieberach Photography propose des séances de photographie de famille, séance photo de grossesse /future maman /futurs parents, séance photo reportage nouveau-né, séance photo enfants, séance photo portrait, séance photo lifestyle, séance photo smash cake à Paris et en Ile de France.  Prestations services photographie pour particuliers et entreprises.
Photographer in Paris offering lifestyle photography for families, couples and businesses. Photoshoot in Paris, Photoshoot in Eiffel Tower.Photographe, photographe portrait, photographe couple, photographe maternité, photographie tour eiffel, photographe couple grossesse, famille photo, séance photographie, photo nouveau né, seance photo bebe, photoshoot paris, photographe de grossesse

Logo de photographe Irina Bieberach

Irina Bieberach Photography

Rue Ernest Renan, 75015 Paris

06 15 62 64 62

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